November 30, 2006

November: SUBLIMITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo copyright of T.M. Wolf, 2006.

Much like the J.P. Morgan Building, November was a sublime month -- terrifying in its monstrous, steely presence, but all the more intriguing because of that. In addition to a short entry re: Ghostface's upcoming More Fish and an annoucement/party invite for the Roots' London dates, I've got an embedded version of one of my favorite hip-hop vids -- the Lost Boyz' "Renee" -- and two more reviews. The first is another remix review, this time of Citizen Cope's ho-hum Every Waking Moment. The other is an experimental review EXCLUSIVE to CanineMind -- John Legend's stellar Once Again. The trick? It's a circular review. You can print it out at home, and overlap the first line with the last line by pulling the top and bottom edges of the paper together to create an unending loop of soul (criticism). If nothing else, I try hard for y'all.

And, finally, two new features:
1. "DoggieBags" -- the CanineMind e-mail feed. Now you don't have to check the site everyday for new content (I knooooooooooow you see it). Just enter your e-mail address into the field to the right and you can have the updates zipped right to your e-mail.
2. A restored RSS link, which can be accessed by clicking the orange icon to the right.

Onward and upward...

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